If your display unit has the Wi-Fi capability to stream its data to Weather Underground, the following procedure can be used to set up this connection. Please follow the steps carefully as the order is crucial to the success of the Wi-Fi setup.
NOTE: The following steps are intended for use if you have one of the display units in this link:
Displays with Wi-Fi Connection to Weather Underground ONLY
Before you begin:
- Pair the sensor and the display per the manual's instruction. Confirm the display is maintaining 4 bars of signal strength and is receiving current data.
- Make sure that the display unit is plugged in with the included power adapter. This feature is not available when only using backup batteries.
- If applicable, please make sure that you have backup batteries installed and the antenna in the upright position.
- Find a suitable place to mount the outdoor sensor. Once the sensor is mounted, remove the rain gauge stabilizer from the sensor.
- Make sure DHCP is enabled on your router. Most routers have DHCP enabled by default.
- Ensure your router is broadcasting a 2.4 GHz network. The weather station display is equipped with a Wi-Fi module that only supports 2.4 GHz wireless networks.
- These products support the following security protocols on a 2.4 GHz network: WPA-TKIP, WPA2-AES-PassPhrase, WPA2-AES-PSK, Combo-WPA-TKIP, and Validation-OPEN. If neither of these options are available, look for one that says something like WPA Personal.
- Make sure TCP Port 80 is open.
- Have your Wi-Fi network's SSID (name) and Password ready. These are case-sensitive.
- Create an account on WUnderground.com and Add New Device. Select the correct device hardware under Personal Weather Station then enter the requested information. Once your station is created you will be provided with a Station ID and Station Key. Have these ready and keep in mind that these are also case sensitive.
- Look carefully to differentiate “3”, “B”, and “8”. If you’re not sure, try the alternatives.
- Look carefully to differentiate “D”, "O", and “0”. If you’re not sure, try the alternatives.
- Look carefully to differentiate “I”, "l", and “1”. If you’re not sure, try the alternatives.
To connect your display to your Wi-Fi:
- From a smartphone (recommended), tablet, or Wi-Fi-enabled computer, open an internet browser and type in the URL - DO NOT PRESS ENTER
NOTE: Please make sure that you are near your AcuRite display unit for the strongest connection during the following steps. - Open the network tab and click on the AcuRite Wi-Fi Display Model Number.
NOTE: The network tab is located in the bottom right corner of your computer screen on the taskbar, as shown below. If using a smartphone or tablet, you will need to access the Wi-Fi settings to view the list of available Wi-Fi networks.
NOTE: If you do not see the display model under your network tab, please reset the display by pressing and holding the RESET button for 10 seconds, located in the battery compartment of the display. The date and time will need to be entered after a reset.
- Press the connect button for the network that includes the Display Model Number.
NOTE: This will disconnect your computer/device from your internet and the display's network may also say No Internet, as shown below.
- After 20 seconds, go back to that prepared browser that has typed in the URL and press enter.
- Once the AcuRite Wi-Fi display settings website (splash page) is open, select your Wi-Fi network's SSID from the dropdown (if you have a 2.4 GHz and a 5 GHz, be sure to select the 2.4 GHz), enter your Password, Station ID, and Station Key, then click save.
NOTE: If you are unable to open the AcuRite Wi-Fi display settings website after connecting to the display, disconnect from the display under the network tab, open a different internet browser, enter The IP address into the URL but DO NOT PRESS ENTER. Connect to the display under the network tab and wait 20 seconds before clicking enter on the internet browser with the IP address entered.
NOTE: If you receive an error stating that "This site can't be reached", please make sure that you are still connected to the AcuRite network and not your home Wi-Fi network. If your device automatically reconnected to your home Wi-Fi network before you were able to reach the AcuRite Wi-Fi display settings website, please have your device forget your home Wi-Fi network so that it will stay connected to the AcuRite network.
Your Wi-Fi Display unit is now connected to your Wi-Fi network!
First, reconnect your device back to your home Wi-Fi network if you are still connected to the display's Wi-Fi. Often times your device will automatically reconnect to your home Wi-Fi after completing the setup. Your station should come online on Weather Underground within a few minutes. (We recommend allowing at least 20 minutes for the station to show as online if it doesn't show up right away.)
*If you have a Direct to WiFi display unit, please use the steps in the following link instead:
Direct to Wi-Fi Weather Station Setup
A video tutorial is included in this link that you may find helpful even if you do not have the listed model.