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The 5-digit model number is typically located on the back or bottom of the display unit or the front page of the instruction booklet. Providing the model number of your unit will help our support team provide the most accurate information and ensure that your request is solved as quickly as possible. If you cannot locate the model number or this is a generic request, please enter 00000.

On the back of the unit, inside the battery compartment, or on the back of the battery door of the unit, you should find a small white sticker labeled QC with a four-digit number. This is the date code.

If the item was a gift and you are unsure where it was purchased from, please select "Other"

If you purchased from, please provide your order number.

The Device ID/MAC Address can be found on the bottom of an AcuRite Access device or the back of a PC Connect or WiFi display unit but it is sometimes located in the battery compartment as well. If your product does not have a Device ID/MAC Address, please leave this field blank.

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