Share Your Readings with Another My AcuRite® Account


You may want to share your sensor readings with friends or family that also have a My AcuRite® account. Sharing allows another My AcuRite® account to view your sensor readings from their account. Accounts that are following you appear in your Accounts Following Me profile.


My AcuRite® app: How to set up sharing

  1. From the tab/navigation bar, tap the ic_settings_black_24px.svg (Settings menu).

  2. Select Share Weather.

  3. Verify that Enable Device Sharing is enabled (ON).

    Provide your friends and family the 12-character Device ID of the AcuRite Access®, PC Connect Display, or Direct to Wi-Fi Display you are sharing with them.

    They will then add the 12-character Device ID of your Connection Device to their Accounts I Follow profile. Once added, your shared Connection Device and its linked sensor readings appear as a tab on their Dashboard.

    If you have more than one Connection Device you want to share, be sure to enable sharing on all devices, and provide each 12-character Device ID to your friends and family. How to set up sharing

  1. From the menu, select Settings > Share Weather.

  2. From Enable Online Sharing, select Edit.

  3. For the AcuRite Access®, PC Conned Display, or Direct to Wi-Fi Display, you want to share, select Allow Sharing.

    Provide your friends and family the 12-character Device ID of the COnnection Device you are sharing with them.

    They will then add the 12-character Device ID of your Connection Device to their Accounts I Follow profile. Once added, your shared Connection Device and its linked sensor readings appear as a tab on their Dashboard.

If you have more than one Connection Device you want to share, be sure to enable sharing on all devices, and provide each 12-character Device ID to your friends and family.


To follow a My AcuRite® account, please use the steps in the following link:

Follow a My AcuRite® Account