Manage Your Forecast Location


Forecast information is based on the address location of the AcuRite Access®, PC Connect Display, or Direct to Wi-Fi Display (Connection Device). The address location also sets the Current Condition and Location details displayed on the Dashboard.

NOTE: If a custom elevation has been set for the Connection Device, changing the address location also prompts you to either update the elevation to the new address or re-enter a custom elevation.

An address change automatically sets the Time Zone. Reading, chart data, and alert notifications are displayed in the time zone selected.


My AcuRite® app: How to change the forecast location

  1. From the tab/navigation bar, select ic_settings_black_24px.svg (Settings menu).

  2. Select Manage Devices.

  3. Select the device name.

  4. Select the ic_settings_black_24px.svg icon located to the right of the device name.

  5. Location settings are set in step 2. From step 2 update the address settings and select Next.

  6. Select Save to update.

The forecast, current condition, and location details are set to the updated location. How to change the forecast location

  1. From the menu, select Settings > Devices.

    Each Connection Device added to your account is listed.

  2. From the Connection Device, select Edit.

  3. Update its location settings and include Country selection.

    Address - the address installation location of the Connection Device. Provide the address details to receive more accurate current weather conditions and forecast information.

    Postal Code - the postal code installation location of the Connection Device. The postal code is used to generate the location details and the current weather conditions and forecast displayed on the Connection Device Dashboard tab.

  4. Select Save to update.

The forecast, current condition, and location details are set to the updated location.