Add a Connection Device to My AcuRite®


To monitor and view your AcuRite sensor readings from My AcuRite®, your AcuRite Access®, PC Connect Display, or Direct to Wi-Fi Display (Connection Device) must be added to your account. Once added, you can then link your AcuRite sensors to the AcuRite Access®, PC Connect Display, or Direct to Wi-Fi Display - allowing the readings to be sent to your Dashboard.


Before you begin

AcuRite Access - be sure it's powered on and connected to your network (Internet) router. At a minimum, be sure there is one AcuRite sensor powered on in the wireless range of the Access device.

PC Connect Display - verify the Indoor Display is connected to your computer, the computer is on, has an Internet connection, and My AcuRite® Sharing is enabled from the PC Connect software.

Direct to Wi-Fi Display - verify that the Iris® (5-in-1) or Atlas® sensor is connected and reporting data to the display and that the display is connected to your Wi-Fi network.



My AcuRite® app: How to add a Connection Device

  1. From the tab/navigation bar, tap ic_settings_black_24px.svg (Settings menu).

  2. Select Manage Devices.

  3. Select Add Device.

  4. You are guided through a 4-step wizard - select Next to continue through each step.

Device Name - the chosen name of the Connection Device - the name appears as a tab on your Dashboard.

Device ID - an AcuRite Access®, PC Connect Display, or Direct to Wi-Fi Display is associated with your My AcuRite® account by its unique 12-character Device ID. When you add a Connection Device to your account, you must provide its Device ID.

Where Can I Find My Device ID?

Verify you enter the Device ID correctly, as certain letters and numbers are easy to mix up.

  • “0” is always a zero, and never the letter.
  • Look carefully to differentiate “3”, “B”, and “8”. 
  • Look carefully to differentiate “D” and “0”. 


Postal Code - the postal code of the installation location of the Connection Device. The postal code is used to generate the location details, the current weather conditions, and the forecast displayed on the Dashboard tab.

Address - the address of the installation location of the Connection Device. Provide the address details to receive more accurate current weather conditions and forecast information.

Use this as my profile address - be sure to select this option if your Connection Device installation location is the same as your My AcuRite® account address.

Barometric Pressure Settings - sets how pressure readings are displayed in your account. An AcuRite Access®, PC Connect Display, or Direct to Wi-Fi Display has an internal barometer.

Next, be sure to link your AcuRite sensors to the Connection Device. Once linked, the sensor readings are sent to your My AcuRite® account. How to add a Connection Device

  1. From the menu, select Settings > Devices.

  2. Select + Add.

  3. You are guided through a 4-step wizard - select Next to continue through each step.

Device Name - the chosen name of the Connection Device - the name appears as a tab on your Dashboard.

Device ID - an AcuRite Access®, PC Connect Display, or Direct to Wi-Fi Display is associated with your My AcuRite® account by its unique 12-character Device ID. When you add a Connection Device to your account, you must provide its Device ID.

Where Can I Find My Device ID?

Verify you enter the Device ID correctly, as certain letters and numbers are easy to mix up.

  • “0” is always a zero, and never the letter.
  • Look carefully to differentiate “3”, “B”, and “8”. 
  • Look carefully to differentiate “D” and “0”.


Postal Code - the postal code of the installation location of the Connection Device. The postal code is used to generate the location details, the current weather conditions, and the forecast displayed on the Dashboard tab.

Address - the address of the installation location of the Connection Device. Provide the address details to receive more accurate current weather conditions and forecast information.

Use this as my profile address - be sure to select this option if your Connection Device installation location is the same as your My AcuRite® account address.

Barometric Pressure Settings - sets how pressure readings are displayed in your account. An AcuRite Access®, PC Connect Display, or Direct to Wi-Fi Display has an internal barometer.

  • Select Save Device.


Next, be sure to link your AcuRite sensors to the Connection Device in My AcuRite®. Once linked, the sensor readings are sent to your My AcuRite® Dashboard.


If you have multiple Connection Devices (Access', PC Connect Displays, or Direct to Wi-Fi Displays), you may add each Device ID to a single My AcuRite account so that you may monitor additional sensors all in the same place. The Dashboard displays a tab for each Connection Device, which displays the readings and status of its linked sensors.


The number of Connection Devices that you may add to a single My AcuRite account is not limited. The number of sensors is still restricted by each Connection Device. 


If you are still experiencing concerns, please contact our U.S. based support staff by Submitting a Request or by chatting with our Live Agents. If you already have an open ticket with a support agent, please reply to the last email sent.