If you are experiencing a My AcuRite® account or device issue, please let us know so we can help resolve it for you. Once an account is deleted, we can no longer provide support for the deleted account.
When you delete your account
- The AcuRite Access®, PC Connect Display, or Direct to Wi-Fi Display (Connection Device) Device ID will be saved to the deleted account and cannot be added to a new account. The Connection will need to be removed before an account is deleted.
No subsequent sensor readings are stored in your account.
All sharing and alerts are disabled.
You are prompted with an option to download your reading history.
Your account is set to inactive for a period of 31 days. Within the 31-day inactive period, you can reactivate your account from your account profile. After the 31-day time period, your account is permanently deleted and cannot be reactivated.
From the tab/navigation bar, tap
(Settings menu).
Select Manage Account.
Select Edit Profile.
Select Delete My Account.
You are prompted to download your sensor readings.
Select Yes, Delete Account.