Manage How Reading Units are Displayed


You can set how sensor readings are displayed in your account. By default, readings are set to be displayed in Imperial, and temperature readings are set to a whole degree.


My AcuRite® app: How to change how reading units are displayed

  1. From the tab/navigation bar, select ic_settings_black_24px.svg (Settings menu).

  2. Select Manage Devices.

  3. Select Units of Measure / Show Tenths.

  4. Set the settings.

    Units of Measure - sets how sensor readings are displayed.

    Imperial (US) - °F / inHg / mph / inches

    Metric - °C / hPa / km/h / milimeters (mm)

    Temperature in Tenths - sets if temperature readings include the tenth of a degree. When set to OFF, temperature readings are displayed as a whole degree (default setting).

    For example, if a temperature reading is 65.1°, when the Temperature In Tenths is set to ON the reading is displayed as 65.1° and when set to OFF it's displayed as 65°.

    NOTE: Does not set the temperature in tenths for the current condition or forecast information - which is only displayed as a whole degree.

  5. Select Save to update. How to change how reading units are displayed

  1. From the menu, select Settings > Devices.

  2. From the Display Units section, select Edit.

  3. Update the settings.

    Units of Measure - sets how sensor readings are displayed.

    Imperial (US) - °F / inHg / mph / inches

    Metric - °C / hPa / km/h / milimeters (mm)

    Temperature in Tenths - sets if temperature readings include the tenth of a degree. When set to No, temperature readings are displayed as a whole degree (default setting).

    For example, if a temperature reading is 65.1°, when the Temperature In Tenths is set to Yes the reading is displayed as 65.1° and when set to No it's displayed as 65°.

    NOTE: Does not set the temperature in tenths for the current condition or forecast information - which is only displayed as a whole degree.

  4. Select Save to update.