My AcuRite® Android Widget


The ability to add Widgets to your Android device home screen is one of those standout Android features. My AcuRite® Widgets are an excellent way to truly customize your Home screen by presenting continually updated sensor readings from your My AcuRite® account.



  • Provides quick access to your AcuRite sensor readings without requiring you to open the My AcuRite® app

  • Two Widget sizes available - 4x2 or 4x1

  • Customize each Widget to display the readings for a specific sensor

  • Customize the frequency My AcuRite® Widget reading data is updated - every 15 (default), 30, or 60 minutes. Option to manually refresh the reading data by selecting the Widget refresh icon ic_autorenew_black_24dp_1x.png

  • Displays the time and date when the Widget reading data was last updated

  • Displays an Offline status when the reading from a sensor has not been received for more than two (2) hours



How to add and configure a My AcuRite® Widget

Be sure you are logged into your My AcuRite® app when adding a widget, otherwise, you will be required to log in with your My AcuRite® account email address and password before you can add a new widget.

  1. From your device Widgets menu, select the My AcuRite® Widget > press and hold either the 4x1 or 4x2 size and drag it to a location on your Home screen.

  2. Configure its settings.

    Update Interval - select the frequency Widget reading data is updated. The value selected applies to all My AcuRite® Widgets displayed on your Android device.

    Select the Connection Device - select the device the sensor is linked to.

    Select Device - select the sensor the Widget is to use to display the reading data.

    Theme - select to display the Widget in a Dark or Light theme.

  3. Tap Add Widget.

    If you have additional sensors, you will need to add a Widget for each sensor.

To edit the settings, from the Widget select the settings icon ic_settings_black_24px.svg.



How to remove a My AcuRite® Widget from your Home screen

  • Drag the Widget to the Remove (trash can) icon that appears at the top right of the Home screen.

The Widget is removed from the Home screen, but is available in your device's Widgets menu should you ever wish to put it back on your Home screen.



NOTE: If you notice any aesthetic issues in the app and/or widget, please try adjusting the text size or font closer to the default settings of your device, as this may cause appearance issues.