Trend Arrow Icon


The Temperature Trend Arrow icon, shown on many AcuRite weather product displays, indicates that the temperature is rising (hotter), staying steady (same temperature), or falling (cooler). The temperature trend is displayed using one of the following three arrow icons: 




The Humidity Trend Arrow icon, shown on many AcuRite weather product displays, indicates that the humidity is rising (more humid), staying steady (same humidity), or falling (drier). The humidity trend is displayed using one of the following three arrow icons: 


humidity trend icon


The Barometric Pressure Trend Arrow icon, shown on many AcuRite weather product displays, indicates that the Barometric Pressure is rising, staying steady, or falling. The Barometric Pressure trend is displayed using one of the following three arrow icons: 


Pressure trend: Rising, clearing conditions. Steady, current conditions persist. Falling, cloudy/stormy conditions