The 5 digit model number of the indoor display will allow you to find a product page on, the manual, or help an AcuRite agent assist with a support ticket. The sensor model number will allow you to confirm if replacement parts are compatible if needed.
- LCD Display model numbers can be found on either the back or the bottom of your unit. If you do not see it on the back or the bottom of the unit, remove the display stand to check the bottom of the display.
- The Model number of an HD/Wi-Fi display will be located on the back of the display. This does not begin with 24:C8:6E...... This is the Device ID for online registration.
- A clock or analog thermometer model's number will be located near the UPC/bar code on the packaging.
- The AcuRite Access™ will plug into your router and the model number is located on the bottom of the unit.
- AcuRite™ tower sensors look alike but are not compatible with the same display units.
- The sensor model 06009RMA1/00606TX will provide outdoor temperature only.
- The sensor model 11112-609TXC/00609A1TXR will provide outdoor temperature and humidity. If your display includes the ABC channel switch feature, this sensor is not compatible with your display unit.
- The sensor model 06002M/00592TXR will provide outdoor temperature and humidity but also includes the ABC channel switch located in the battery compartment. If your indoor display does not include an ABC channel switch, this sensor is not compatible with your station.