PC Connect Display Unit


The PC Connect Display is the indoor unit that displays the readings from a single Iris® (5-in-1) Weather Station. Using the PC Connect software installed on your Windows 8 or higher computer and the USB connection between your computer and the PC Connect Display, the readings are sent over your network (Internet) connection to your My AcuRite® account.

  • A PC Connect Display Connection Device is associated with your My AcuRite® account by its unique 12-character Device ID (MAC Address) located on the back of the display unit, possibly in the battery compartment.

  • Once you add the PC Connect Display to your account, you then link your Iris® (5-in-1) sensor to the Connection Device in your My AcuRite® account.

  • The PC Connect Display's linked Iris® (5-in-1) sensor and its readings are displayed in its Dashboard tab.

  • A PC Connect Display is listed as a tab on your Dashboard.


  • With a compatible outdoor AcuRite device, you can share your weather information with Weather Underground using Rapid-fire updates.

  • Works with Amazon Alexa for a hands-free experience


The following display units are compatible with the PC Connect software. 


01036-phone-800x800.jpg    Model # 01036 / 01092 / 06006

01536c-800x800_1.jpgModel # 01536 / 06056

mceclip0.pngModel #02064 / 06039

mceclip1.pngModel # 02032 / 02033 / 01093 / 06037

mceclip3.pngModel # 01025 / 01035

mceclip4.pngModel # 01525


If you are interested in purchasing a PC Connect station or display to use with your existing Iris® (5-in-1) sensor, click here.